I used Google Forms to create the survey assignment in the Training and Motivational Development class we had in July. It was very easy to do, and although I haven't used the survey yet, I do plan to do so because it ties into my Action Research project.
I wear a couple of hats at my school. The title "Learning Specialist" is a fancy term that means I fill both Special Education Teacher role as well as the Reading Specialist role in my school. I manage a caseload of several students with IEP's as well as teach these students. I serve on our school's SST committee. And I teach reading to students identified as needing remedial reading services by not meeting standards on our statewide achievement testing as mandated by "No Child Left Behind". Although many of our students pass these tests, often teachers complete checklists to refer students who aren't learning as quickly as they'd like to see them learning in a larger classroom setting.
Because teacher's have to schedule their days quickly as the year begins, and I have to teach my reading classes during the same times that they are addressing these standards, scheduling has always taken a great deal of consideration on my part. I have to ensure that I meet the time requirements, and I don't push into their "specials" classes, lunch time or their foreign language classes. In years past, I have spent hours and days worrying about how to best meet everyone's needs. I would have numerous emails opened in several tabs across my browser. This year, I took advantage of the Google Forms application to solve this problem. It's my new favorite thing in the whole wide world.

It presents itself as an easy to answer questionnaire in the form of an email. I have several types of questions, including multiple choice, fill in the blank and short essay styles. The teachers answered the questions, and the spreadsheet automatically filled their answers in the correct spots. It's the easiest scheduling I've ever done. I can't believe how much time I've saved already. Here is how the spreadsheet looks: